Start earning with Swipe Today.
For every business friend you invite who signs up with Swipe you can get up to ₹500 ( ₹10 per referral) and if your friend subscribes to any annual plan of Swipe then you get an additional up to ₹25,500 ( ₹500 per subscription). Your friend gets additional 2 months FREE with any of Swipe's annual plans.
Here's how you can earn with Swipe:
1. Invite your friends to install Swipe App with your unique link.
2. Receive ₹10 in credits when your friend signs up.
3. Also receive ₹500 in credits when they take any Swipe subscription plan.
4. Your friend gets 2-months free on their annual subscription.
5. Use your credits to purchase any paid plans, add-ons, renewals, SMS/ Email credits on Swipe.
Now let's look at how easily it can be done.
Step 1:
You need to send your referral link (invite) to your friend on WhatsApp.
1. For that, you can Tap on 'More' options.
And click on "Refer Now" option.
2. Or, directly clicking on the "Refer Now" pop-up banner that appears on your screen.
Step 2:
Next, you can share by clicking on WhatsApp, SMS or click on the copy link and share directly to your friends.
Your friend will receive an invite link on their WhatsApp number or SMS.
Step 3:
Clicking on that link will take them to Play store where they can download the Swipe Billing App.
Let them open Swipe application and sign up with the OTP.
Tada!!! Now‚ ₹10 will be credited to your account. You can invite a total of 500 friends on Swipe and earn, ₹10 on each successful registration.
Wait!!! The rewards do not end here.
In case your friend decides to buy our annual plan, they enjoy additional 2-month FREE benefit, and you will earn ₹500. You can earn with every subscription.
Step 4:
Congratulations! You just earned an additional ₹500.
You can check your point earned as it will be directly displayed on Total credits earned.
To claim additional 2-months free. Your friends need to tap the "Help & Support" and our customer support will active the offer instantly, after verifying your account.
How to avail your referral credits?
Click on "Redeem" and connect with our customer support to avail your credits.
You can redeem your credits to avail annual plan of Swipe or take SMS credits etc.
Keep referring! Keep earning! Only on Swipe.
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