How to Create E-Way Bills on the Web.

How to Create E-Way Bills on the Web.


1 min read

Step 1: Go to Sales and select Invoices

First, go to sales on the left-hand side of the dashboard. After clicking on 'sales', A drop-down menu appears.

Select Invoices from the drop-down menu.

select invoices

Now, select or Search for the Invoice you would like to create an E Way Bill for and click on the drop-down menu at the end of the invoice column.

Step 2: Click on “Create E Way Bill”.

Select the “Create E Way Bill” option from the drop-down menu.

select e way bill option

After clicking on the "Create E Way Bill" option, a pop-up will appear, with the details of the invoice, such as the document number, HSN codes, and total price of the invoice.

Step 3: Enter the necessary information

Here, enter the required fields, such as shipping address, transporter ID, vehicle number, and distance.

enter the required fields

Now, click on the “Create E Way Bill” option present at the bottom of the screen.

click on create e way bill

Congratulations, you have successfully created an E Way Bill and a pop-up appears on the top of the screen informing the same.